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Dayboro Church

A family and community Church in the heart of Dayboro

Upcoming Events:

Sunday Service

The church meets at 9am at the Dayboro School Hall,

58 McKenzie Street 



Kid's Church starts at 9:30am on alternate Sundays during the school term. Check the events calendar to see when they are being held.


Kid's Service


Youth starts at 9:30am on alternate Sundays during the school term. Check the events calendar to see when they are being held.


Men's & Women's Bible Studies

Men meet at the Silverwood Cafe,

Tuesdays at 9:00am


Women meet at the Old Storehouse Cafe, Wednesdays at 9:00am


All sermons can be found on our YouTube channel


Dayboro Church Youtube

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What's Happening?

Home: About
Praying Together

More Than a Church

A Welcoming Church at the Heart of Dayboro, Qld




We don’t just sing songs. Rather we provide music and singing as a vehicle to bring to God our praises and heart-felt worship. Sometimes it can be exuberant and at other times quiet and reflective. Praise and worship brings the tangible presence of God which refreshes and strengthens the heart and brings revelation and understanding of God. 


Making Disciples

Jesus commissioned His own disciples to go and make other disciples (not just followers). Making anything requires a plan and a strategy. We have a strong emphasis on preaching and teaching, so that when folk come to church they can expect to hear the truth of God’s Word and to built-up and instructed. 


Becoming a Family

We believe strongly in creating an environment that is safe, welcoming and friendship-building. People say that they feel like they’ve come home when they arrive at Dayboro Church. Watch some videos of some of the family here.


Doing Mission

Mission is in our DNA. Jesus told us to “go into all the world.” We believe that means both “across the road” and “to other countries.”  Dayboro Church supports four missions projects financially, pastorally and prayerfully. 

Michael Henzell – Casa Segura Children’s Home, Bolivia


The Hope House – Chennai, India. A home for girls started by our own Dayboro Couple, Steve and Julie Elliott.

NEWS FLASH - Donations to Hope House are now tax-deductible through GDG - click here

Hope House Website


Ami Schefe – Riberalta, Bolivia. Ami started the Futures Project to care, support and equip 

young mothers.  See what the Project is doing and donate here: Futures Riberalta

Angela and Isaac Njenga – Kenya. Angela ministers in Nairobi to the poor and imprisoned.

Isaac ministers to young men through a soccer competition.


Dayboro School Chaplain​ - Hannah Drage

Meet Hannah here!


Home: Leadership

Our Pastors

Peter and Tina van Heerden

Peter and Tina van Heerden are Laceys Creek residents, with Peter obtaining his ministry training and credentials under the leadership of previous Dayboro Church pastor - Gary Levens. Peter is a successful leader in the mining and resource sector, overseeing many operations and people before submitting to the call of Senior Pastor at Dayboro Church. Peter and Tina are committed to seeing Christians mature in their faith, discovering their life purpose and transforming the society in which they live.  
Peter and Tina have three adult children and they enjoy the country life on their acreage at Laceys Creek

Our Leadership and Staff

The church is governed by a Board with Elders chosen from among the congregation and with a Constitution established under the Australian Christian Churches.

Home: Leadership

Mark & Rachel Humphrey



There’s Always Something Going On

Home: What's Happening
Teen study group

Women's Ministry

There are weekly day time and fortnightly Bible studies. Dayboro Church ladies also organise outings.

Contact us for more information



The tithes and donations you make to Dayboro Church make a difference to our church, our community, and the missionaries we support. There are various ways you can donate. We have an EFTPOS machine and a donation box at church, or you can do electronic giving as per the following details.


General giving & tithes:

BSB 064000 account 15439908


Missions Account

BSB 064000 account 15439916


Property Account

BSB 064000 account 15439924

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Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Our Church is located in the Dayboro School Multipurpose Hall

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